About us


Rolling Minds Academy was founded in 2016 with a vision to train candidates of all age groups in perfecting various skills and learning new skills. We empower them to ideate, design and execute their goals. What sets us apart is that right from the very beginning of our courses the candidates start to feel the transformative process of turning raw energy into the practical skills demanded by the competitive world today.

Through our various courses (both online and offline) that are meticulously designed for Academic excellence, understanding the corporate culture and Personality development we will be able to hone your abilities by combining your personal strengths and the knowledge imparted by us. You shall gain immensely in social, cultural, and Business settings. These courses are result and application-oriented. Class sizes are kept small to ensure optimum trainer-to-trainee ratios.

Thought of the Day

only I can change my life.
No one can do it for me.